Cardiovascular Refluxin 90tabs (Discounted)

Product Description

Refluxin is available by Ecological Formulas/Cardiovascular Research.

Refluxin consists of a combination of mucoprotective agents (pectin, lecithin, and mucin) which form a viscous floating "raft" when in contact with liquid. A small amount of sodium and potassium bicarbonates reacting with citric acid provides buoyancy. When reflux occurs, the raft becomes part of the refluxate, coating the distal esophagus with a supplemental barrier.

Cardiovascular Research Ltd.


Dietary Supplement

More Info:

REFLUXIN is a scientifically-designed formula providing a buoyant gastric "raft" with emollient and mildly antacid characteristics in a pleasant tasting, slightly effervescent fructose-glucose-citric acid base.

Chew 1 tablet separately after meals, up to five (5) times daily as needed, or as directed by a physician.

Important: Briefly chew each tablet separately, swallow with a sip of water.


NOTICE: This Item has an expiration date that is expired.  

Why the Discount?

The expiration date on these supplements marks their peak potency. While they remain safe to consume, we're offering them at a reduced price to encourage mindful consumption and support a healthier planet.

$ 6.96 $ 13.91